Perfect 10 Weddings

Monday, August 16, 2021

Is moving your date the answer?

Covid 19 has been with us for almost a year and a half already. Based on pronouncements of those in the know, it will persist and mutate for as long as there are lots of unvaccinated individuals. Countries have to move fast to vaccinate, populations have to accept the need, etc. These basically mean that there are lots of factors we can’t control in the fight against covid. But we can focus on those that we can like strengthening our immune systems, getting vaccinated, observing safety protocols, praying, etc.

Based on experiences of those who decided on march, april, may, and august weddings last year and moved to the same months this year, moving dates did not ensure their weddings. They still got affected by surges, ecq pronouncements, etc. 

Believe me… We understand your fears, you may have comorbidities or family members who are susceptible. But you know moving and moving your date will not ensure that covid will not be around anymore, that another calamity is not waiting to happen. Life has so many challenges. We just have to find ways to deal with them. 

If you’re afraid, have nice food packs to be distributed after the short program. That way, no one is allowed to remove his or her mask. Your post nup will be after the short program that consists of only the important parts (around 45 mins tops right after the ceremony). Or you can have a first look so all couple shots are done prior to the ceremony. 

If you want people to eat in the venue, get a big venue so social distancing can be ensured. Have those who are highly susceptible join via online means. These are suggestions, of course, everything depends on your personal preferences. 

Now… decision time. 

Ask yourself: If Covid will be around all of next year, can you handle it? If not, then don’t move to a definite 2022 date yet. Ask your suppliers if the reservation fees you gave can be put on hold first. Then just be prepared for the new rates when you decide to push through — when covid is finally just a memory. 

This is better than moving to a definite date then moving again when the definite date is close by and you’re still feeling scared about the situation. The latter deprives other couples of the services of the suppliers who are being held by your reservation. 

{Note: this does not apply to those who need to move because of govt lockdown declarations.} 

#theweddingtipsheet #weddingplanner #darlenetansalazarweddingemcee #weddinghost 

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